The following data is uploaded and stored in this location for a record in order to provide a continuing description of the technical problem. The "Platform" or "Cloud Storage Capability" is alleged to be a phenomenon that emerges from nature without any capacity to steer or manage a computer program. Though the theory is met with great interest and has been utilized for many decades, beginning with the concept of Business Intelligence and Holographic Modeling, we here speculate that a scarcity creates value model is not necessary to address in a given case study. Where a Trillion Dollar economic activity is observed taking place, and a retail store national outage is observed, a scarcity of TV and Keyboard devices is indicated where concerns "Utilization" and "Availability" to the consumer. The buying and selling of products and services through a "Screen" featuring "Holographic" Modeling represents a potential emerging market for retail sales. The total intelligence of nearly 300 million U.S. Citizens is entered in to in this model as an aggregate of producers and consumers.
Right, our platform exhibits an outcropping of excess "Data" and "Meta Data", which is resulting in various gravitational rotator dilemmas, which can be described with a gyroscope but most may prefer a compass.

This post subject to system modification for the purpose of clarification and correction.
Are the products not allowed to be introduced by anybody as something that exists, because there is a concern that there will be excess competition in the market? This is a model that may be present or emergent or it may be a result of a lack of appetite or interest in physical retail stores. The theory that is addressed here is that "The Internet" represents "A Platform" of "A Given Nature" and does not introduce competition, and it provides opportunities for the producer and the consumer.
This case study represents a Business Model developed specifically by Erik Lenderman for the purpose of establishing that "Citation should not be provided to Erik Lenderman" because "Trillions of Dollars is not enough money", and yes, this is precisely the nature of the problem. That Erik Lenderman could steer and manage "Trillion Dollars" through writing and developing a Cloud Storage and Enterprise Management Optimization System while incorporated and while under contract is evidence that "Trillion Dollars" is "Inadequate" and "Lacks Duplication". Where some aggregate of Americans still believe "Trillions of Dollars" does not exist and the U.S. Economy exhibits a balanced budget with $0.00 in debt, this, a healthy Asian economy does not concern itself with "Whose Trillions are better than whose", because "There is no turning back." The theory states that "Citation should not be given" "For some substantial period of time", because there are many other people working and citation is often not given in the following industry, because web traffic is sufficient evidence that citation has emerged from the Cloud Enterprise Management Optimization System. If it is not good enough to produce a return on investment to the "Idea Generator", that is likely because human labor inputs throughout the global economy take up units of energy. These units of energy must be captured and organized and stored until the platform is functional in order to resolve various technical issues that repeatedly arise. Nevertheless, the problem persists. There are an insufficient number of "Trillions" in a given case study.
This case study represents a Business Model developed specifically by Erik Lenderman for the purpose of establishing that "Citation should not be provided to Erik Lenderman" because "Trillions of Dollars is not enough money", and yes, this is precisely the nature of the problem. That Erik Lenderman could steer and manage "Trillion Dollars" through writing and developing a Cloud Storage and Enterprise Management Optimization System while incorporated and while under contract is evidence that "Trillion Dollars" is "Inadequate" and "Lacks Duplication". Where some aggregate of Americans still believe "Trillions of Dollars" does not exist and the U.S. Economy exhibits a balanced budget with $0.00 in debt, this, a healthy Asian economy does not concern itself with "Whose Trillions are better than whose", because "There is no turning back." The theory states that "Citation should not be given" "For some substantial period of time", because there are many other people working and citation is often not given in the following industry, because web traffic is sufficient evidence that citation has emerged from the Cloud Enterprise Management Optimization System. If it is not good enough to produce a return on investment to the "Idea Generator", that is likely because human labor inputs throughout the global economy take up units of energy. These units of energy must be captured and organized and stored until the platform is functional in order to resolve various technical issues that repeatedly arise. Nevertheless, the problem persists. There are an insufficient number of "Trillions" in a given case study.
If I am subject to stroop and rorschach analysis on my platform, and my platform is a partial result of multiple repeat requests from a former White House Press Executive, my computational device is intensively utilized and in my view over utilized. Meanwhile, this device itself was designated to me with a specified request to distribute devices that would assist the consumer with producing economic activity in these United States of America. "Shocked and Disturbed." says Erik Lenderman. I have never seen so much national interest in my life time nor have I seen more Trillions of Dollars sitting there becoming some additional burden upon our platform, far in excess of the current requested assignment.